What are four coloured dots on Newspaper? What is CMYK?

What are four coloured dots on Newspaper? What is CMYK?


The four coloured dots (CMYK) at the bottom or at the edges of the newspaper are called the registration marks of the newspaper.This dots ensure that the print of the newspaper has been aligned properly.

C - stands for Cyan ( Blue colour )
M - stands for Magenta ( Pink colour )
Y - stands for Yellow ( Yellow colour )
K - stands for Kalos ( Black colour )

CMYK dots on newspaper
CMYK are the base colours used in printing , the four colours represent four cartridges. Any colour can be obtained by adding these four colours in correct proportion. Now a days newspaper consists of attractive advertisements , colourful photos and many more. To create printed image on newspaper this colours are mixed in various ratios to render different colours.

CMYK should be aligned properlr for clear image
CMYK alignement
This dots are lined up in same spot while printing in order to print multi coloured images with accuracy.If the dots dont align with each other then the image will not be registered or printed properly.The image will look blurry because the colours will overlap.

Dots CMYK sequence
Four dots are made in CMYK sequence and shapes of the coloured dots may vary they can be round shape or heart shape or star shape.

Dots can be in different shapes
Different shapes
