Why their is cross ( X ) symbol , LV board and Red Lamp behind last bogie in indain Railways ?

Why their is cross ( X ) symbol , LV board and Red Lamp behind last bogie in indain Railways ?

Ans - All 3 Indicates that the train is complete.

There are 3 Indication for all the employees and also normal public to know whether the train is complete or not.

1.The large cross 'X' symbol behind the last bogie of the train genrally Yellow or White in colour.
2.A board written LV is also available which means Last Vehicle (aakhri dabba).
3.And finally a red colour electric lamp which blinks at regular intervals indicating that the complete train has left.

All the three indications
Three Indications on bogie

If a train passes by a station or signal cabin without the appropriate last vehicle indication, it is assumed that the train is incomplete or separated and suitable emergency procedures are brought into play by railway department.
